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Q: What kind of products do you source?
A: Kaymand’s clients are wide spreading industries of Audio, Lighting, Automobile, Consumer electronics, Tooling, Stationary, Home & Garden products, Gifts & Crafts, Sports & Entertainment supplies, Personal cares etc. Please check the products category of what we do. We accept any new customized OEM/ODM sourcing projects. It doesn’t mean we can’t do it if your sourced products are not listing here. Please contact us for further discussions.
Q: What is the process to work with Kaymand?
A: We’ll firstly need to clearly understand your sourcing target or product development ideas (even if its just an initial layout). We will evaluate the feasibility, difficulty and identify missing elements. Projects will request to exist verified suppliers or new suppliers will be considered for unique project requirements and we will do the audit job. Any necessary sampling process will be followed up by Kaymand to ensure products are in the right track of development and reach criteria. Purchasing order will be formally placed by Kaymand after suppliers, products, designs, prices, commercial terms, lead time etc are all finally settled and we will act as your local office to continue rest of working until cargos reach your warehouse. Please contact us info@kaymand.com to get detailed pricing and services provided. 
Q: How long does it take to source required products?
A: It will depends on what kind of products are you sourcing, products from exist category and qualified supplier what we already well know can be offered within a couple of days. Highly customized products sourcing will be taking from a couple of weeks to months base on difficulty.
Q: How can I ship my cargo from supplier?
A: Kaymand will take care of the shipping by most economical way with relationships of long term cooperated forwarder agent. You can also handle it on your own with better shipping cost.  We don't make it profitable but only offer support to let you get out of fussy paper works with just a minor handling charge. Kaymand can support you on: 1. Booking shipping space and containers for client 2. Assistance for customs clearance documents 3. Tackling domestic transportation issues
Q: Do you have priority relationships with suppliers?
A: Definitely NOT! We are fully supplier independent and never lean toward to any suppliers. Kaymand is 100% interests aligned with our clients but NOT producing factories which is the one of our core company gene. Kaymand TRANSPARENTLY accomplish all procurements comply with highly disciplined business ethics and industry standard.
Q: I have my own sourcing department why should I work with Kaymand?
A: Yes, you can but do you really think its highly efficient and cost effective? Experiences and tough market competition tells us the earlier your product and concept hits the street, the sooner you can have revenue generated. Kaymand offers existing mature and efficient solutions to let you leverage our resources and talent on supply chain fast. If you are a small and medium-sized business owner, it’s highly unlikely that you command all the skills necessary to grow your business or dominate marketplace. Taking advantage of a reliable sourcing corporation helps you manage uncertainty and ground your business in any circumstances. Outsourcing your procurements to Kaymand is the strategic use of outside resources to perform sourcing function traditionally managed by internal staff. Kaymand will help you reduce costs and gain efficiencies by utilizing our talent, experience and expertise of different industries.
Q: What are my benefits to work with Kaymand ?
A: All sizes of firms are struggling with increasing costs of full-time employees. According to some invesitgations, labor expenses account for up to 60-70% of a company’s overall revenue. Working with Kaymand can let you gain especially a financial advantage on labor spending and reduce your budget pressure. Working with Kaymand actually is not only about reducing costs, but how to let your business grow faster, work more efficient and get to the market quicker than your competitors, maximizing labor flexibility and getting access to highly qualified employees. Additionally, we bring you other advantages:

1. Supply Chain Expertise: Use Kaymand supply chain talent and expertise to leverage best sourcing practices. Employ full-time expert sources might carry you big price pressure, Kaymand can fit into nearly any project-by-project budget or as sourcing needed basis.

2. Intelligent Sourcing Management: Concentrate on the core aspects of your business and leave us the worries of non-core activities. Kaymand has own management without having to count on your additional managers or your time and energy to manage sourcing in person.

3. Time / Energy / Man Power Savings: Kaymand saves you considerable spending on growing man power cost instead of hiring professional sourcing team here. We can be your eyes and legs to let you able to remote control your supply chain within budget. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Kaymand has well done here by offering high efficient solutions – why not use it?

4. Travelling Savings: Kaymand is your local office here and save your financial resources on core business operations but not in overhead like office space, computers, flight tickets etc. .
Q: How will you charge for my china products sourcing?
A: It will depend on production classifications of different products, purchasing order size and complexity of sourcing project. Please email us info@kaymand.com to evaluate and get free quote.
Q: What are your customer types and how is their order size?
A: Kaymand’s main clients are distributors, wholesales, brand manufacturers scale from small to medium size business who would need more resources and expertise to help them increase supply chain efficiency and control risks. Our client’s yearly purchasing amount is from about $400,000 to 2 million dollars. The average order size we proccess usually comes from $30,000 to $500,000 per order.
Q: Dosen’t Kaymand worried if buyers deal directly with suppliers?
A: NO, Kaymand provides values in client's supply chain and efficiently manage from initial supplier research to final cargo shippings. Our clients understand well that their sourcing charge paid to us can be easily covered by savings generated from proper supply chain management and quality control. They don’t need to face dozens of suppliers by outsourcing to Kaymand and save plenty of effective schedules on core operations.

Clients know they are wisely utilizing resources from Kaymand to save massive spending to set up their own overseas sourcing offices and hire full-time staff. Outsourcing procurement to Kaymand also leaves them free to be focused on marketing to generate much more sales. Suppliers are happy to have us as we help them communicate more efficiently with clients and advise how to make products /services right to maintain long term cooperations.
Q: How can Kaymand support if I already have my supplier in China?
A: Kaymand can provide contributions on quality control, vendor coordinations and cargo inspections for your current supplier. Clients may also can be benefited from Kaymand by a better export prices or commercial terms negotiated from other suppliers compare with his current supplier. Kaymand has helped quite a lot clients to switch from a disappointed supplier to great ones instead.
Q: Should I send samples when I hire Kaymand for sourcing?
A: Usually it will be necessary especially when your product is highly customized or unique designed. We would advise client ship samples just 1-2PCS more than suppliers we have identified to ensure Kaymand keeps original samples to compare with the ones made from suppliers. Samples can also be directly requested to send from verified supplier when products are commonly exist without special toolings.
Q: Should I arrange a travelling to China to supervise my sourcing project?
A: Yes and that can’t be better. We encourage clients to visit in person and check their own business in production line. It actually helps clients understand better about manufacturing and what matters in his supply chain. Kaymand would be pleasure to offer travelling support on tickets, transportation, hotels, tour etc.
Q: Why should I pay for Kaymand while I can find suppliers online?
A: Identifying a proper and qualified supplier for long term will be the MOST important step to source from China. The correct methodology of supplier research exposes TRUTH on pricing, legitimation and real capability. Simply picking up top ranked supplier in the website doesn’t mean it will be the right match of your particularly needs on quality, price and lead time. Actually many trading companies are good at window dressing like representing as a “factory” and good ranked in website with appealing promotion slogan or product photos what might can attract you to place an order right away. However this is a BIG red flag need to be noticed and able to identify factory’s real conditions behind its marketing.

It’s correct that website like Alibaba or other B2B platforms make it easier to work out a list of potential suppliers, but please ensure you or your team has enough china sourcing experience on supplier auditing, engineering, scam elimination for unethical business behaviors and judgement ability for proper original manufacturers by filtering trading companies. In the meantime has enough professional man power to narrow down suppliers from hundreds to final ones who are highly qualified and match your unique sourcing target.

We process Totally Transparent Supplier Feasibility Evaluation includes:
1. Initial desk research from at least 30-50+ potential factories cross China mainland depend on different sourcing request, time target and product categories

2. Short-listing of high potential factories including company name, location, contact, phone, fax, email and website

3. Initial evaluation for selected factory’s business scale, products scope, industrial experience, credit and production capabilities 

4. Evaluating commercial communication skills on professional, language, attitude and response speed

5. Easy understanding apple-to apple factory comparison report will submit to client for initial checking, contains: prices, lead time, warranty, payment terms, production capacity, employee numbers, main market, compliance certificates, factory photos etc.

6. Narrow potential factories to 5-10 top candidates who are mostly reach your sourcing target 

7. Appointed timely conference call with client to filter most matched factory for preparing Field Factory Verification (FFV)


A professional Initial Supplier Research (ISR) is worth paying to save plenty of energy, time and expense to handle it on your own. Keep in mind that identify a right supplier will significantly decide your project is succeed or fail. Some companies including trading company maybe offer “for free” mode, but while it sounds nice it probably can be the most expensive way in the long run for reasons:

1. Finding “Easiest” supplier for them but NOT best for you. Its highly full of risks to put your order to somewhere they can get comission or kickbacks to cover its “for free” no matter the supplier is qualified or not.

2. Charging inflated unit cost once production started. This is another profitable way to promote their “free” mode and you will never know how much price gap they made to make your supply chain more expensive.

3. No dig-in research end up with a unreliable supplier brings you continuous losses. We take hundreds of man hours by leveraging our supply chain & sourcing expertise as well as the supplier feasibility study as an research methodology to narrow hundreds potential vendors down to top ranked qualified potential candidates.
Q: What will Kaymand process after Initial Supplier Research (ISR) ?
A: We will process the Field Factory Verification (FFV). The FFV is the only way to identify  actual production locations to ensure the one we will work with is a real qualified vendor. Physical verifying is also the only way to deeply understand supplier’s condition on all capability related aspects. It saves you a lot on tired international travelling expenses as well as by leveraging our verification expertise for supplier’s real capability. We will be your eyes and legs from online to offline.

Kaymand processes it as your employee and elimiates potential red flags by:

1. Field factory auditing on facilities, workshop, real production location, QC management, engineering capability, productivity, industrial experience, business size, samples etc. by offering report with real photos and factory profiles

2. Face to face verification by deep talkings with the owner or contact to understand their business attitude, professionals and ideas on client’s project.

3. Narrow field verified factories to final 1-3 companies as highly considered suppliers

4. Offering procurement solutions to assist clients identify final suppliers and help you make order decisions to process sample, trial order or formal PO
Q: What are the measures Kaymand will take to ensure ISR and FFV’s achievement?
A: A continuous coordination of PO (Purchasing Order) is the critical section of entire sourcing progress, which determines how products come out of the production line and reach your expectations. There has NO chance to count on suppliers work without mistakes or omissions by leaving them alone. Horrible surprises are always popping out from workshop without detailed production request list offered or on-going tracking of mass productions. A professional Vendor Coordination (VC) is the guarantee to sustain initial supplier research (ISR) and Field Factory Verification (FFV) achievement until the end of project.

Kamand will keep seamless working with suppliers and give up-to-date feedback to clients by followings:

1. Thorough and comprehensive production confirmation with factory to ensure production request and all details are fully understood by supplier

2. Detailed production request list with clear indications, descriptions and photos will be offered by English (or Spanish)/Chinese Language to ensure client and factory are both in the same page

3. Prototype or tooling coordination for both pre-production and mass production reference sample. Including technical and engineering development. 

4. On-going coordination between factories and clients to ensure no communication barriers and avoid information block which causing negative impact on lead time

5. Keeping tracking status of mass production to make sure production is running under confirmed specs. criteria, lead time, quality, packings and compliance standard

6. Arranging quality inspections in different stage of production upon client’s requests. Including incoming material checking, production monitoring, finished cargo inspection and loading inspection
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